Most recent update at top
10/19 Compressed a bunch of images on the politics page to hopefully help it load faster
8/11 Added WIP version of the Garfield shrine
7/18 Added Doom Generation shrine
7/17 Added The Strange One shrine and linked to it from homepage and movies page
7/15 Published site to Neocities and removed VLC window cause I don't have a premium account to play videos lol
7/13 Continued adding more content and links to homepage
7/12 Added more shortcuts to desktop and populated start menu with more apps/links. Started adding more content to homepage
7/10 Started designing actual buttons for the My Interests portion of the homepage, added a VLC video player window and got most of the controls working. Also added the ability to reopen a window after it's been minimized.
7/9 Added ability to drag around and minimize windows, added proper taskbar and desktop background w/ placeholder files on it
7/8 Added recent movies list to movies page, added bookmarks and banner to homepage, "under construction" gif and other sidebar changes on politics page
4/3 Added more blinkies/gifs to politcs page
3/29 Finished George Bush shrine in the politics section
3/27 Added trading cards and buttons to politics page
3/26 Made transit page w/ placeholder content, and implemented detailed CSS on it and Coast Starlight page. Started politics page
3/25 Made Coast Starlight page and filled out most of its content, did very basic CSS on it
3/24 Made changelog window
3/23 Styled CSS scrollbar to match rest of site
3/22 Made site, styled CSS for main window.